Monday, August 16, 2010

The Secret - My view

Once there was an Indian King who wanted to learn the art of supernatural powers. He goes to Tibet in search of a saint who can teach him.

Once in Tibet, he visits the saint and immediately speaks out his desire to learn the supernatural powers. He asks the saint to teach him how to walk on water, how to fly and so on….
The Saint asks the King to come to him next morning after taking a dip in the nearby lake. The next morning the King does exactly as told and arrives to the Saints hermitage.
The Saint on seeing him says, “My Son, the art of supernatural powers is very simple. Just go back to India and take a dip in any river, as you have so many rivers in India and chant these 3 verses:

1. Buddham Sharnam Gachhami
2. Dharman Sharnam Gachhami
3. Sangam Sharnam Gachhami”

However there is one precaution, says the Saint. While chanting these lines one must NOT THINK OF MONKEYS!

The King found this very simple and returned happily to India. Once in India, he went to a nearby river and took a dip in it. Then he sat at the banks of the river and started chanting
1. Buddham Sharanam Gachhami ……. and he thought of Monkeys
2. Dharman Sharnam Gachhami……. and he thought of Monkeys
3. Sangam Sharnam Gachhami” ……. and he thought of Monkeys

He tried in vain for a whole day but he kept on thinking of monkeys….
Depressed he again went back to all the way to Tibet to meet the Saint. On meeting him the saint asked if the King has acquired the supernatural powers….
On this the King said to the Saint. “I do not want the supernatural powers anymore. But please “Get the monkey out of my head”….

Dear Friends,

The above story of “Get the monkey out of my head”, is precisely the message what the first few pages of the book ‘The Secret’, by Rhonda Byrne says.

I started reading this book yesterday, after my Sunday morning Long Kriya and afternoon ritual of a 2 hours nap which I never miss.

A friend had recommended this book to me and so I purchased it a week ago. Due to office work-load however, I could not begin to read it immediately…. But I am glad that I took the book in my hand when I was well rested.

As you begin to read the book, it immediately makes you start your Thinking Process… what seems very simple in the beginning has a very different meaning as you read on. It is something that everyone knows but no one realize.

Like the first few pages are on the famous ‘Law of Attraction’.

The Law of Attraction is the most powerful law in the Universe. Our job as humans is to hold on to the thoughts of WHAT WE WANT. As you become what you think of the most and also attract what you think of the most. Thoughts are magnetic and they have a frequency. As you think, those thoughts are sent out in the universe and they magnetically attract all like things that are on the same frequency. Everything sent out returns to the source and that source is YOU.

Now friends, isn’t it very simple. If you want something, a promotion, a new car, a relationship, just keep thinking of it and it will come to you.

Then why is everyone so sad…. still so unhappy???

Now here lies the real problem. We keep thinking of what we don’t want. We concentrate on those things…. those negative things…. what we do not want….

Like for example:
What if I don’t get that promotion this year too? What if I cannot buy the latest car? What if I don’t get a good spouse as per my expectations?

And so on and so on…. The list of negative thoughts goes on…
And we land up wondering why the things we do not want are the ones that keep showing up again and again….

The only reason why people do not have what they want is because they are thinking more about what they don’t want than what they do…

So that’s not simple anymore?

Listen to your thoughts, Listen to the words you are saying, the law is absolute and there is no mistake.

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